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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Gun Safety and Equal Pay

Gun Safety and Equal Pay
The house committees are busy introducing bills at the State House and at the end of this week there are two in particular that caught our attention. If you are represented by members of the committee that will hear these bills or by one of the sponsors of the bill, this is your opportunity to make a difference by emailing , phoning or writing them to express your concern as their constituent.  Legislators pay more attention to their constituents.  Take the time to take action. Thank you!   
GUNS. The first is H 7680, introduced by Nardolillo, Chippendale, Price, Roberts, which was sent to the House Judiciary Committee.  The bill would prohibit the use of state funds, personnel or property to enforce federal firearms laws or regulations.  The League opposes this bill. If any of the sponsors or committee members represent you, contact them and let them know that this bill thwarts public safety. Here are the members of the House Judiciary Committee.
Representative Edith H. Ajello:   rep-ajello@rilegislature.gov
Representative Joseph S. Almeida:   rep-almeida@rilegislature.gov
Representative Christopher R. Blazejewski:   rep-blazejewski@rilegislature.gov
Representative Dennis M. Canario:   rep-canario@rilegislature.gov
Representative Doreen Marie Costa, Vice Chairperson:   rep-costa@rilegislature.gov
 Representative David A. Coughlin, Jr.:   rep-coughlin@rilegislature.gov
 Representative Robert E. Craven, Sr.:   rep-craven@rilegislature.gov
 Representative John G. Edwards:   rep-edwards@rilegislature.gov
 Representative Blake A. Filippi:   rep-filippi@rilegislature.gov
 Representative Cale P. Keable, Chairperson:   rep-keable@rilegislature.gov
 Representative Carol Hagan McEntee:   rep-mcentee@rilegislature.gov
 Representative Jeremiah T. O'Grady:   rep-ogrady@rilegislature.gov

FAIR PAY. The League supports H 7694, introduced by Hearn, Messier, Costa, Ajello, and Tanzi. Known as the Fair Pay Act, it would increase  protections from gender discrimination with regard to pay.  This bill will be heard by the House Labor Committee.
Here are the members of the House Labor Committee:
Representative Stephen M. Casey:   rep-casey@rilegislature.gov
Representative Michael W. Chippendale:   rep-chippendale@rilegislature.gov
Representative Arthur J. Corvese:   rep-corvese@rilegislature.gov
Representative John G. Edwards:   rep-edwards@rilegislature.gov
Representative Deborah A. Fellela:   rep-fellela@rilegislature.gov
Representative Antonio Giarrusso:   rep-giarrusso@rilegislature.gov
Representative Kenneth A. Marshall:   rep-marshall@rilegislature.gov
Representative Carol Hagan McEntee:   rep-mcentee@rilegislature.gov
Representative Daniel P. McKiernan:   rep-@rilegislature.gov
Representative Joseph M. McNamara:   rep-mcnamara@rilegislature.gov
Representative Helio Melo:   rep-melo@rilegislature.gov
Representative Jared R. Nunes:   rep-nunes@rilegislature.gov
Representative Thomas A. Palangio, Vice Chairman:   rep-palangio@rilegislature.gov
Representative K. Joseph Shekarchi, Chairman:   rep-shekarchi@rilegislature.gov
Representative Stephen R. Ucci:   rep-ucci@rilegislature.gov
Representative Thomas Winfield:   rep-winfield@rilegislature.gov

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