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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Where Does All The Money Go?

"Taxpayer-funded political spin does not come cheap. Some 53 “public relations professionals” are on the public payroll in Rhode Island this year, earning salaries totaling $4.3 million, according to an investigation by Providence Journal Staff Writer Katherine Gregg (Political Scene, Nov. 22). "

Providence Journal Editorial Nov. 30, 2015

Did you see the Editorial in Monday's Pro Jo? Have you read the paper's "Political Scene" column these past two weeks? Katherine Gregg did an excellent two-part series on how much is spent by RI state government and agencies on public relations? According to Gregg
"Rhode Island taxpayers paid upward of $6,234,093 last year to private companies that do 'communications and marketing' for state government in Rhode Island. The 'quasi-public(s)' paid another $617,555 to consultants, and expect to pay $987,216 for salaries for their in-house public-relations staff."

If you haven't read the two articles, here are the links to "Political Scene" http://www.providencejournal.com/article/20151122/NEWS/151129764

Gregg reporting was possible because , according to the ProJo, "On a positive note, public officials were helpful recently in getting information to Ms. Gregg about the cost [of public relations] to taxpayers of P.R. flacks."

Where does all the money go in Rhode Island? Read Gregg's articles and you will learn where more than $6 million goes.