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Friday, October 18, 2013

Can we talk? League Connect 2013
Join the Conversation with League Leaders & Members
The League of Women Voters of Rhode Island Board of Directors invites all members and local and statewide leaders to League Connect 2013 on Tuesday, October 29, 2013, to learn about state programs and hear from Leagues throughout the state about the issues that concern them. League Connect 2013 will be held from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Cranston Central Library, 140 Sockonosett Road (across from Whole Foods).
LWVRI President Jane W. Koster says that the meeting is to examine the League’s agenda for the upcoming year. “We are embarking on some very exciting programs this year, and we want to make sure the state board is communicating the excitement we feel about the programs.”
The meeting is intended to be a conversation for all to share their interests, concerns, and questions about League projects and issues. It will also be an opportunity for League members from around the state to meet one another.
On the agenda will be brief presentations on Elections 2014, including the expansion of VOTE411 and the outlook for candidates’ forums and statewide televised debates, and voter registration drives; the “Election-Ready Schools” program, the LWVUS Agriculture Study; and opportunities for advocacy for the upcoming legislative session.
The purpose of the meeting is  to bring the  LWVRI board and the LWVRI Education Fund board together with local League leaders and all members for a lively discussion about our state League’s work.