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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Time for Action on Gun Control in Rhode Island is NOW!


In view of the horrific massacre in Orlando, the League asks all Rhode Islanders to contact your legislators today to demand a vote on the bills presented this year that would help to control rampant gun violence.  The LWVRI has testified this year in support of HB 7199 and SB 2835 which would ban high capacity magazines over 10 rounds; on HB 7283 and SB 2730 to keep guns away from domestic violence abusers; and on  HB 7243 and  SB 2761 that would restrict concealed firearms on K-12 School grounds to law enforcement personnel.

Many states including Massachusetts and Connecticut have laws to prevent domestic violence abusers from access to guns. Many States including Massachusetts and Connecticut have banned high capacity magazines. Almost every state including Massachusetts and Connecticut does not allow  concealed carry of firearms on K-12 School property. This is the third year in a row, since the Sandy Hook massacre, that these bills  are being “held for further study” here in Rhode Island.  We urge the Governor, the Speaker and the Senate President to do everything necessary to have these bills voted out of committee.  It is time for the Judiciary Committees to stop hiding behind a pretext of study. In a recent poll, the vast majority of Rhode Islanders said they want a vote.  It is time to respect not only their wishes but their health and safety as well.  We want a vote.

The League of Women Voters of Rhode Island is a member of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence,  an organization that was created by concerned citizens of Rhode Island  in 2013 after the Rhode Island General .Assembly failed to pass common sense gun legislation. With the coalition, we recognize gun violence as a public health issue. Using common sense means and methods, we seek to reduce injuries and deaths from gun violence.

The time to act is now.  Please do your part by contacting your legislators today, before they adjourn without doing anything for another year.

To contact your senator visit this page on the RI government site; for your Assembly person, go here. You can also contact  Senator President Paiva Weed (sen-paivaweed@rilegislature.gov) and Speaker of the House Nicholas Mattiello (rep-mattiello@rilegislature.gov).